I was bit by the paddling bug early autumn 2008. I started building my first kujuk that same autumn, around early october.. and its been downhill ever since.
After all these years, it’s still going as badly, or as well, depending on one’s view, as it started back in 2008. Several builds and a number waiting to be realized – All for just the fun of it!
My day job has very little to do with paddling directly, although being a somewhat professional woodworker by day does help with whittling paddles by night! 😀

During the non-paddling season, when waters turns hard, winter time I tweak and tinker with kujuks and paddles and other odd assortment of kujuk/camping related equipment.
When the season turns to the more fluid form, I return to the water and try to spend as much time as possible paddling, touring, sailing, sometimes swimming and generally lollygagging by the waters with one excuse or another. It would help winning the lottery so I could spend even more time doing all the fun stuff!
Needless to say I’m kinda boring company if the situation at hand has nothing to do with kayaking… what can I say, one track mind or some such nonsense.. 😉
For the moment I may be contacted only via email: