Reflections on paddling 2015

Paddlingwise,  year 2015 was kinda lazy.   Not as much touring as the previous two years. I spent only about a total of 5 weeks “out” kujuking. The trips weren’t as long as I’d hoped either, but still  2015 had some definite highlights.

First try at kayak sailing, with Viatrix on Lake Vanaja, May 24th 2015
Second time trying  kayak sailing, with ‘Viatrix’ on Lake Vanaja, May 24th 2015
Welcoming committee on entering Åland waters.
Welcoming committee on entering Åland waters.

Paddling around the Åland isles was one definite highlight, another highlight was getting started in kayak sailing!

Paddling in and around Åland had been something I had been putting off for some time now. Mainly due to the fact that the isles “were out there”, at least from my limited experience/perspective. After reading and hearing many trip reports, not to mention photo blogs of said isles, I decided “what the heck” and went for it. It was a great trip, at times somewhat demanding due to weather conditions but we got through. Lotsa places seen and explored, yet (thankfully) many more left to be explored at  later tripS.

There were lotsa things to see in Åland...
There were lotsa  (odd) things to see in Åland…
One of the odd things to see in Åland.. we only saw 4 snakes during the 2 week trip.
One of the odd things to see in Åland.. we saw only 4 snakes during the 2 week trip.
Sunset , somewhere in the Åland isles
Sunset , somewhere in the Åland isles
One of the many nice sunsets
One of the many nice sunsets
Yet another quiet camp location .. somewhere in Åland.
Yet another quiet camp location .. somewhere in Åland.

The second “super-duper-I’am-So-EXCITED-I just can’t hide it!” highlight of the year was: kayak sailing!!!
Kayak Sailing had been something I’d read and heard about and always thought that “maybe some day” I’ll give it a try. Then with some coaxing from Gnarlydog, (it really didn’t take that much), I ordered my first kayak sail , from Sea Dog Sails, and that “some day was” here !  Its been great ever since! Kayak Sailing has brought many new aspects to sea kayaking. With some 360 kms of sail assisted kayaking/sailing logged for year 2015,n salt waters as well as fresh,  it is safe to say I will have a sail installed on all of my kayaks eventually!  One might be as bold to say that kayak sailing is just about the best thing to do with one’s pants on!

Whenever there are fair winds to enjoy – Up goes the sail! 😀

'Whisper' got her own sail just in time for the Åland trip.
‘Whisper’ got her own sail just in time for the Åland trip.

Learning to sail in slightly rougher conditions, has been very rewarding and helpful in finding ( some of ) my limits.

Trying out sailing in slightly rougher winds. Lake Vanaja October 2nd 2015
Trying out sailing in slightly rougher winds. Lake Vanaja October 2nd 2015
Zooming along in wind and waves, Lake Vanaja october 2nd 2015
Zooming along in wind and waves, Lake Vanaja october 2nd 2015

Didn’t build that many new paddles but just enough to keep the interest going. A couple, (well a bunch really) of prototypes are on their way for 2016 paddling season as well.20151208_164151

A bent shaft Aleut paddle in the making
A bent shaft Aleut paddle in the making

Kayak building was quiet, but I did manage to build one kayak. ‘Viatrix‘,  a Guillemot designed Night Heron “Stitch and Glue” kayak, was first afloat almost as soon as the waters were free from ice, also she was the first one to have a sail installed on her.  On her own a very fine kayak for waves and light touring BUT  excellent fun with a sail !! Best overall  kayak I’ve built thus far…

The cockpit opening of 'Viatrix' slowly taking shape
The cockpit opening of ‘Viatrix’ slowly taking shape
Adding some peace of mind aka extra strengthening elements here and there in 'Viatrix'. In this case its carbon/Glass hybrid cloth..
Adding some peace of mind aka extra strengthening elements here and there in ‘Viatrix’. In this case its carbon/Glass hybrid cloth..

Already many new kayaking adventures are on the drawing board for 2016 (and beyond) ! Here’s hoping that I will learn to be a bit more diligent in my blog postings as well….
