We woke up to a near freezing chilly morning atop a cold rock at Norrholmen isle. We skipped breakfast, took down camp snd set off paddling in a cloudy overcast but still calm weather to round the southern tip of Emäsalo.
After paddling some 9 kms we stopped for a quick breakfast at the western point of Onaslandet. At this point the clouds removed themselves towards the south and the sun came out!
At this stage the wind was from the S @ approx 3-4 m/s. This was the first time I dared to use the SeaDog Commander sail unreefed. The help from the sail was minimal but noticeable!
We made good time to Kaunissaari in hopes for a cafe.. there was a cafe but it wouldn’t open for another 2 hours.. slightly annoyed by this we settled for our thermos teas and a couple handfuls of trailmix before continuing to the days final destination: Kallahti , Natura Viva Paddling center.
Just as we were leaving Kaunissaari thunderstorm in the north near Vuosaari port looked like it might turn south as the winds were gusting up and blowing from the north!! A quick route replan and we headed south thru the safety of a group of isles before turning back west again towards Hattusaari and Natura Viva. Enroute had to play ‘wait and see’ with another dark thundercell before crossing over 4 shipping lanes to Hattusaari… almost there!
After a quick Snickers chocolate bar “lunch”, we made it to the NaturaViva oadfling center quite easily.